Welcome to Ray of Light

Providing specialized therapy programs to assist your child in leading a quality life.

About Us

Ray of Light is a children’s therapy center conceptualized and founded by Sheetal and Amit Mandora, who are parents to a special needs child named Vivaan. Understanding the needs and issues faced by children and their parents, they have created a community and a safe space for parents to interact with one another and seek the best for their children. We provide assistance in finding the right doctors, pediatricians, counselors, and therapists for children from infancy to age 18.

Every child is unique and deserves the love, care, and attention to flourish in their own time. Our team of experienced counselors and therapists analyze and understand your child’s condition, and formulate a customized therapy program to achieve the best results possible. At Ray of Light, we strive to help children lead a quality life and reach their full potential. Therapy is a continuous process that requires a lot of hard work, time, and patience; from a counselor, therapist, and parents.


To give each child an opportunity to be successful individuals and engage with the world around them to their best ability. With continuous therapy and proper guidance, children can adapt in different social settings, enhance their emotional ability, build themselves physically, and develop overall skills at school and in life.


We believe that children can achieve anything when everyone comes together and participates in their progress with customized therapies that will bring about a positive change in a child’s overall growth and improve quality of life.

Services Offered

Sensory Integration Therapy

Our senses play a critical role in how we perceive the world around us. This therapy focuses on shaping the child's ability to process sensory inputs, improving body equilibrium, developing positive behavior patterns, and encouraging socialization and self-confidence.

Speech & Language Therapy

A customized program which focuses on treating speech and language disorders. The sessions will help the child develop expressive and receptive language, improve articulation, enhance speech fluency and intelligibility, and boost self-confidence.

Occupational Therapy

We identify and recommend specific exercises, techniques, and activities to help the child lead an independent life. It also develops better body balance, fine motor skills, improved limb coordination, visual perception, and refined cognitive thinking.

Behavioral Therapy

It is a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach that helps to achieve suitable behavioral modifications in the child by using reinforcements. Using these customizable solutions, the child is successfully able to manage daily activities, develop social skills, and improve expression with ease & confidence.

Psychological Assessment & Tests

Our psychologists interact with the child and parents to understand their needs through an informal assessment. We also conduct special tests to gauge the child's intelligence, aptitude, and behavior. A detailed report discussion is done with parents to establish short-term and long-term goals for the child.


We offer specially designed therapeutic sessions to help parents manage anxiety and stress-related issues with ease. It empowers them to support their child's daily requirements joyfully. These sessions are beneficial for older children to improve their self-esteem and concentration.

Group Therapy

We identify common goals of children and form special groups to offer a combination of sit-down and physical activities for them. These highly impactful group sessions help children build self-acceptance, group coordination, teamwork, empathy, and social skills.

Physical Therapy

We work closely with you and your child to offer customizable physical therapies to develop motor skills, improve muscle tone, strength, and endurance. These include functional training for managing daily activities, manual techniques like stretching & mobilization, and therapeutic exercises.

Remedial Teaching

Remedial teaching is the practice of teaching children with special needs the skills necessary to succeed academically. The goal is to intervene, address, & eliminate any learning deficiencies and help the child master the academic content they were previously struggling with.

Join Our Community

Ray of Light is not just an institution; it is a special initiative to give your child the wings to fly.

Meet the Founders

Amit & Sheetal had a dream of creating the most engaged community of special needs children in India. Feeling compelled to contribute and make a difference in this space, they plunged into social entrepreneurship and this is how Ray of Light was born.

Amit is a marketing professional with over 13 years of experience whereas Sheetal is a Content Writer by profession. In 2015, they became parents to a beautiful boy named Vivaan. However, by the age of 11 months, they noticed their son was not meeting his developmental milestones and had to consult various doctors to figure out what the issue was. After a myriad of tests, Vivaan was diagnosed with SynGap1 when he was 2.4 years old.

They saw a huge gap in terms of having the right infrastructure and community support to offer parents and children a one-stop solution for all their therapeutic needs.

Advisory Board

Dr. Abhijeet Botre

Pediatric Neurologist and Epilepsy Specialist
Dr. Botre is the guiding light and inspiration behind the conception of Ray of Light. For over 17 years, he has managed innumerable cases in the areas of acute neurology, neuro-immunology, epilepsy, and neuro-development disorders.

Rajeev Srivastava

Director at ROL Healthcare and Ray of Light For the Children Foundation
With over 24 years of experience in scaling business across large pharmaceuticals and technology companies like Glaxo, Cipla, Reliance Industries, etc., Rajeev has become an invaluable ally to the Ray of Light cause.

Niyati Jindal Joshi

Certified Success Coach, CBT Coach Practitioner, NLP Practitioner, Psychometric Reader & Analyst
A being, transformation in progress, learner and thinker, Niyati has been on a journey of self-discovery with multiple detours while on the road. Passionate about bringing to life and conversations the experiences of working with the power of belief and visualization and witness sheer happiness of seeing it manifest for all, action is the key.

Amit Mandora

Co-founder at Ray of Light, Director at ROL Healthcare and Ray of Light For the Children Foundation
A dedicated father, a loving husband, and a commendable human, Amit has been working tirelessly for his son’s condition. With Ray of Light, his mission is to spread awareness for SynGap1 across India and help find a cure, in any way possible.

Meet Vivaan Mandora

Vivaan means full of life and true to its meaning, he is an inspiration and joy behind the creation of Ray of Light. Through his journey, Vivaan’s parents, Amit and Sheetal, were inspired to create an ecosystem for special needs children and their parents.

At the age of 2.4 years, Vivaan was diagnosed with a rare disease called SynGap1 which includes epilepsy, autism, and other developmental issues. He started taking occupational, speech, and behavioral therapies in order to lead a better life. With time, he has been able to walk by himself, communicate through a few words and actions, and attend school as well.

He has many friends at school and where he resides, and shows his affection to others with heartwarming kisses and hugs. Vivaan is a happy child and loves listening to music, traveling, playing drums, and swimming.

Our Ventures

ROL Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Our aim is to help researchers and scientists take their research to the market by bringing it to experienced professionals.

Ray of Light For the Children Foundation

A section 8 company where we accept donations/ charities to aid in research, awareness, and help under-privileged children with therapies.
Enquiry Form

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Contact Us


43/4, Hermes Paras VI CHS, opposite Kalyani Veg Restaurant, Kalyani Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411006

Business Hours

Monday to Saturday
10 am to 7 pm

Sunday Closed

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